Written by Darriel McBride Growing up as a bi-racial woman, during the early 2000s to present, has come with its own set of challenges. Despite growing up in New York, […]

Written by Darriel McBride Growing up as a bi-racial woman, during the early 2000s to present, has come with its own set of challenges. Despite growing up in New York, […]
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While you put the finishing touches on your Holiday menu, do not forget to tell your friends and relatives to bring some family photographs with their sweet potato casserole. Holidays […]
Philanthropy Southwest’s Annual Conference consistently draws several hundred trustees and staff attendees from grantmaking organizations of all types and sizes. Registration is open to trustees and staff of grantmaking organizations and provides the opportunity to connect with fellow philanthropists located or making investments in the Southwestern United States
We are united by a common belief – that philanthropy has an important role to play in creating a stronger North Carolina. One where all its residents can live productive and fulfilled lives. One where communities from the mountains to the farmlands to the coast are safe and thriving. Join us at the 2020 Annual Meeting and Conference as we deepen our knowledge, gain new skills, challenge old assumptions, and reconnect to people, place and purpose.
frank is back for its seventh year, and at this gathering we’re going to play with your emotions.
Or at least how you can intentionally use emotion in your work. We’ll dive in, as frank does, with the research-informed insights and actionable examples from the field. Plus plenty of time to explore, connect with old friends or make new ones in the funky Floridian February escape so many look forward to throughout the year.
Thomas and Ana Flávia in front of the library on the Federal University of Brasilia Campus Last month I went to Brazil to keynote the opening of the “Plural Knowledge: […]
By Eric K. Washington James H. Williams, Otto Sarony Studio, ca. 1905. Courtesy Charles Ford Williams Family Archives “At the Grand Central station is a colored man who probably knows more people […]
Description: Vintage will screen as part of a new series coinciding with the reopening of the Museum of Modern Art. The series, Currents: Re-Viewing Cineprobe, 1968-2002 will run October 24-November 20 and is made up of 25 programs representing upwards of 60 filmmakers and artists. Vintage: Families of Value will run with Alan Berliner’s The Family Album as a program thinking about personal cinema & home movies as a significant area Cineprobe engaged over its three decades.
Thomas Allen Harris will keynote the upcoming Plural Knowledge: Value of the Public University seminar at the University of Brasilia. He will lead a multi-day Digital Diaspora Family Reunion with students, staff, and the community around their family photos culminating in an interactive exhibition around Afro- Brazilian identity.
An Interactive Celebration of Harlem Thomas Allen Harris with his work titled A Family Album at the Harlem Stage, on view at Mother, Bethel, Harlem, USA. Photo by Natalie Conn […]
Every year, thousands of media-makers, organizers, and agents for social change converge in Detroit for the Allied Media Conference (AMC): a 4-day, volunteer-coordinated conference that hosts hundreds of sessions focused on using […]
Stories of Community Participants on stage at Black Communities: A Conference for Collaboration in Durham, NC “I am a person driven by an individual’s story and the stories of community. […]
“The Family Pictures kickoff activity was a fab ice breaker and I saw my fellow table mates and the people in the room with compassion, love, and humanity that we are […]
Below are student testimonies from Thomas’ two-day seminar, Re-Imagining the Family Album , at Hunter College’s Integrated Media Arts Program for the Masters in Fine Arts students. As I looked at […]